F-CRIN key figures

F-CRIN is based on a model unique in France with 1) the pooling of resources and expertise by a national coordination unit acting as a service centre for the approved components to support their research activity, and 2) collective scientific emulation through F-CRIN inter-network collaborations.

Through this organisational model, F-CRIN is strongly involved in large-scale research projects, working in synergy with project sponsors.

The OLGA platform

OLGA (OutiL de Gestion d'Activité or Activity Management Tool) is a digital monitoring and management platform developed by F-CRIN.

F-CRIN currently represents a community of 1,500 investigating physicians and the equivalent of 400 research centres across France.

Co-developed with its future users, OLGA currently has

  • 2 modules monitoring the diverse activities of the components: "Project monitoring/management" and "Budget/financial monitoring".
  • sections representing 450 indicators.

OLGA is a benchmark tool for the management of complex, large-scale organisations.


Updated on 05 February 2025