The F-CRIN infrastructure has no legal entity of its own. Functionally supported by its coordinating institution, Inserm, it involves key research operators and sponsors from the worlds of academia, hospital and industry in its management activities.

The F-CRIN infrastructure won the "Biology and Health Infrastructure" call for projects launched in 2010 by the French National Research Agency, ANR. In 2012, it received a grant of €18M with an 8-year mandate to establish itself in the French clinical research sector and demonstrate its added value.
Following a positive assessment by the ANR in 2019, F-CRIN has seen its support extended through to 2024 with a budget of €5.4M.
The scientific panel of the ANR said: "F-CRIN is a success. In the space of just a few years, F-CRIN has put in place an effective "proof of concept” organisational tool. Based on an original model of networks of excellence, it optimises the fragmentation of the existing system, bringing together the main clinical research operators in France. " (letter from the President of the ANR to the CEO of Inserm – 25 July 2019).
For the same period (2020/2024). the infrastructure received institutional support amounting to €3.750M from the DGOS (general directorate of healthcare), which is part of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health.
Inserm and several other public and private partners also provide financial support for F-CRIN and its components.